Platysmaplasty (Neck Tuck)

What is Platysmaplasty (Neck Tuck)?

Platysmaplasty is a specialized surgical procedure designed to address signs of aging in the neck area. This innovative technique focuses on rejuvenating the neck’s appearance by tightening the platysma muscle and reducing the prominence of vertical neck bands. Platysmaplasty is particularly effective for individuals seeking a more youthful and defined neck contour.

Platysmaplasty Real Results

How It’s Done

During a Platysmaplasty procedure, the surgeon makes discreet incisions beneath the chin and, if necessary, behind the ears. These carefully placed incisions allow the surgeon to access the underlying platysma muscle. The muscle is then tightened and repositioned, addressing sagging and vertical neck bands. Excess skin, if present, is also trimmed to achieve a smoother and more youthful neck profile. The incisions are meticulously closed, resulting in minimal scarring that blends seamlessly with the natural contours of the neck.

Why Plano Plastic Surgery?

At Plano Plastic Surgery, excellence is our standard. Both Dr. Haidenberg, with his 16 years of experience in cosmetic surgery, and Dr. Yaker, the celebrated force behind Plano Plastic Surgery, have dedicated years to perfecting aesthetic surgeries—from breast augmentations to rhinoplasties and liposuctions. With them, you’re not just opting for transformative results but also genuine care and understanding. Our approach is personal—tailored to every patient’s concerns and desires.

Who is a Good Candidate?

Platysmaplasty may be an ideal option for individuals who:

  • Notice sagging or loose skin in the neck area.
  • Experience prominent vertical neck bands.
  • Have maintained a degree of skin elasticity.
  • Are in good overall health without conditions that may affect healing.
  • Are non-smokers or willing to quit before and after the surgery.
  • Have realistic expectations about the procedure and desired outcomes.

Platysmaplasty Recovery and What to Expect

Immediate Post-Operative Phase (1-2 weeks):

Following Platysmaplasty, patients may experience mild to moderate discomfort, swelling, and bruising. Pain medication is typically prescribed to manage these symptoms. Specialized dressings are applied to the incision areas to reduce swelling and maintain cleanliness. A soft neck brace may be recommended to provide support to the healing tissues and neck contour. During this phase, patients are advised to keep their head elevated and avoid any strenuous neck movements.

Mid Recovery Phase (2-4 weeks):

By the second week, most of the swelling and bruising will have diminished. Patients can gradually reintroduce daily activities, but should still avoid strenuous physical activities and heavy lifting. The incisions continue to heal, and any residual numbness or tightness in the area starts to decrease.

Long-Term Recovery (1-3 months):

Over the next few weeks, the final contour of the neck becomes more apparent. The initially pink and slightly raised incisions gradually fade and blend into the natural creases of the skin. This phase allows patients to fully appreciate the rejuvenated neck appearance, characterized by the disappearance of vertical bands and a smoother contour. Depending on the surgeon's recommendations, patients can typically resume vigorous exercises or activities.

Final Results (3-6 months):

The complete results of Platysmaplasty become evident during this period. The neck appears tighter, smoother, and more youthful. While the scars are permanent, they are discreet and well-hidden within the natural skin creases. Proper sun protection and skincare are essential for maintaining the longevity and appearance of the results.
As with any surgical procedure, Platysmaplasty carries potential risks, including reactions to anesthesia, infection, hematoma, changes in skin sensation, and contour irregularities. Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon during the recovery period help address any concerns and ensure optimal healing.