“I am 50 yrs old and had a neck and jowl lift 3 months ago. I could not be more happy with the results and outcome of my surgery. It took 10 years or more off my face according to friends and family! Dr Yaker does a phenomenal job with making you look natural and not overdone – or obvious that you had something done. I have been seeing Dr Yaker for 25 plus years and have referred him to 50 or more friends, family and clients over the years. He has an excellent bedside manner and does a great job of explaining everything from start to finish. You cannot go wrong with choosing Dr Yaker!!!Updated on 4 Apr 2019:”
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Breast Augmentation
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Reverse Tummy Tuck
Brazilian Tummy Tuck
Mini Tummy Tuck
360 Body Liposuction
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Banana Roll Lift
Brazilian Butt Lift
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Bra Line Back Lift
Gynecomastia/Male Breast Reduction
Mommy Makeover
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Neck Lift
Z-plasty Neck Lift
Neck Liposuction
Chin Augmentation
Upper Blepharoplasty
Lower Blepharoplasty
Upper Lip Lift
Lip Augmentation
Lip Commissuroplasty
Tip Rhinoplasty
Facial Fat Transfer
Earloabe Plasty
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