
What is Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction, medically known as “reduction mammoplasty,” is a surgical procedure designed to reduce the size of overly large breasts. The goal is to achieve a breast size that is proportionate to the body, alleviates discomfort, and enhances self-confidence. By removing excess breast tissue, fat, and skin, the procedure can provide physical relief and aesthetic improvements for individuals feeling burdened by large, pendulous breasts. self-image.

Breast Reduction Real Results

Types of Breast Reduction:

The type of breast reduction technique chosen typically depends on the patient’s breast size, shape, the amount of reduction desired, and other factors. Here are some common breast reduction techniques:

Anchor (or Inverted-T) Technique:

This traditional technique, commonly used for women with large breasts, employs three incisions: one encircling the areola, a second running vertically from the areola’s base to the breast crease, and a third along the lower breast crease. This method effectively removes excess tissue and skin.

Vertical (or Lollipop) Technique:

This technique involves two incisions: one around the areola and a second running vertically from the bottom of the areola to the breast crease. It’s suitable for women who need a moderate reduction in breast size and is less invasive than the anchor technique.

Periareolar (or Donut) Technique:

This technique involves a single incision around the areola. It’s best for women who require a smaller reduction and have more elastic skin that will reshape well after surgery.

Liposuction-Only Breast Reduction:

Liposuction can be used to reduce breast size in cases where excess fatty tissue is the primary concern and there’s little need to remove excess skin. This technique is less invasive, with smaller scars, but may not be suitable for those requiring significant reshaping.

Free Nipple Graft:

In this technique, the nipple and areola are completely removed, then resized and grafted back onto a higher position on the breast. It’s often reserved for extremely large reductions where there’s a risk that the nipple won’t maintain its blood supply with other methods.

Why Plano Plastic Surgery?

At Plano Plastic Surgery, excellence is our standard. Both Dr. Haidenberg, with his 16 years of experience in cosmetic surgery, and Dr. Yaker, the celebrated force behind Plano Plastic Surgery, have dedicated years to perfecting aesthetic surgeries—from breast augmentations to rhinoplasties and liposuctions. With them, you’re not just opting for transformative results but also genuine care and understanding. Our approach is personal—tailored to every patient’s concerns and desires.

Who is a Good Candidate?

Ideal candidates for breast reduction are:

  • Women burdened by the weight of their breasts, causing physical pain or discomfort.
  • Those experiencing skin irritation beneath the breast crease.
  • Individuals with enlarged areolas and stretched skin due to oversized breasts.
  • Those facing restrictions in physical activity due to breast size.
  • Individuals in good overall health, non-smokers, with realistic surgical expectations.

Patients with active breast conditions, current smokers, or those planning for future pregnancies might consider postponing the procedure. Those with severe health issues or unrealistic expectations about the outcomes might also not be ideal candidates. It’s essential for interested candidates to consult with a plastic surgeon to evaluate their specific needs and determine the best approach for their unique situation. 

Breast Reduction Recovery and What to Expect

Recovery from a breast reduction is a journey that requires patience and diligence in post-operative care.

Immediate Post-Operative Phase

Discomfort and Pain: Patients can expect some degree of pain, which is manageable with prescribed medications.

Support Garments: A surgical bra will be recommended to support the breasts and minimize swelling.

Bruising and Swelling: Temporary bruising and swelling are to be expected, which will decrease gradually.

Mid Recovery Phase (1-4 weeks)

Activity Restrictions: Strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for up to 4 weeks. Depending on recovery progress, patients can return to work within 1-2 weeks.

Incision Care: The surgical sites should be kept clean, and any post-operative instructions regarding scar care should be followed diligently.

Regular Check-ups: Follow-up appointments with the surgeon are essential to monitor healing.

Long-Term Recovery

Scar Maturation: With proper care, the appearance of scars will improve over time.

Final Results: The full results of the breast reduction will become evident as the breasts settle into their new shape over several months.
Maintaining open communication with the plastic surgeon throughout the recovery phase ensures a safe healing process and optimizes the final outcome.