Tummy Tuck

What is a Reverse Tummy Tuck?

A reverse tummy tuck, less commonly performed than the traditional tummy tuck, is a specialized surgical procedure that primarily focuses on removing excess skin from the upper abdomen, typically just below the breasts. Often the choice of patients who’ve experienced significant weight loss or changes after pregnancy, the reverse tummy tuck addresses concerns unique to the upper abdominal region, offering a smoother, tighter appearance.

Reverse Tummy Tuck Real Results

Reverse Tummy Tuck vs. Traditional Tummy Tuck

While the standard tummy tuck zeroes in on the lower abdomen, the reverse variant targets the area above the belly button, right up to the under-breast fold. The incision for this procedure is usually hidden within the natural crease below the breasts, ensuring minimal visible scarring. This technique can be especially beneficial for individuals who are generally satisfied with their lower abdomen but feel the need to address excess skin or laxity in the upper part.

Why Plano Plastic Surgery?

At Plano Plastic Surgery, excellence is our standard. Both Dr. Haidenberg, with his 16 years of experience in cosmetic surgery, and Dr. Yaker, the celebrated force behind Plano Plastic Surgery, have dedicated years to perfecting aesthetic surgeries—from breast augmentations to rhinoplasties and liposuctions. With them, you’re not just opting for transformative results but also genuine care and understanding. Our approach is personal—tailored to every patient’s concerns and desires.

How It’s Done

A reverse tummy tuck begins with an incision made within the inframammary fold, the crease below the breasts. This strategic placement ensures the resultant scar remains concealed, even when wearing low-cut tops. Once the incision is made, the surgeon carefully excises the redundant skin from the upper abdomen, tightening the area to achieve a flat and contoured appearance. 

In certain cases, this procedure can be combined with other surgeries, such as breast augmentation or breast lift, to achieve a comprehensive upper body rejuvenation. After the desired correction is achieved, the incisions are sutured, often employing dissolvable stitches, and dressed appropriately.

Post-surgery, the recovery process is critical. Patients may be advised to keep the upper body slightly elevated, even during sleep, to minimize swelling and promote healing.

Who is a Good Candidate?

Ideal candidates for a reverse tummy tuck include:

  • Individuals with excess skin predominantly in the upper abdominal region.
  • Those who have undergone significant weight loss leading to upper abdominal sagging.
  • Patients post-pregnancy who’ve developed skin laxity above the belly button.
  • Non-smokers or those willing to quit smoking to facilitate optimal healing.
  • People in good overall health with realistic expectations about the surgical outcome.

Reverse Tummy Tuck Recovery and What to Expect

It’s important to remember that results vary from person to person. Post-surgery care and maintaining a healthy weight can help optimize your results.

Immediate Post-Operative Phase (First few days):

Discomfort and Pain: Some level of pain is anticipated, but it's generally manageable with prescribed medications.

Support Garments: Patients might be advised to wear a compression garment, which helps in reducing swelling and offers support to the upper abdomen, fostering a better and faster healing environment.

Bruising and Swelling: These are common post-operative symptoms but will decrease over time.

Mid Recovery Phase (2-4 weeks):

Activity Restrictions: While light activities might be reintroduced a week or so after surgery, strenuous activities, and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least 2-4 weeks to prevent undue stress on the healing incision.

Regular Monitoring: Regular follow-up appointments are crucial in this phase to monitor the healing process and ensure there are no complications.

Long-Term Recovery (1-3 months):

Gradual Resumption of Activities: As the weeks progress, patients can slowly reintroduce more intense activities and exercise routines, always adhering to the surgeon's advice.

Scar Care: Diligent scar care is essential, especially during the first few months when the scar is still maturing. Silicone sheets or scar gels might be recommended to enhance its appearance.

Final Results: The full results of the procedure, including a firmer upper abdomen and reduced skin laxity, will become evident as swelling completely subsides and the body adjusts to its new contour.

Potential Side Effects

Numbness or Altered Sensation: Temporary numbness or changes in skin sensation around the surgical site can occur. This usually resolves over weeks to months as nerves regenerate.

Discomfort and Pain: Mild to moderate pain is common after the procedure. Your surgeon will likely provide pain medication to help manage any discomfort during the initial recovery phase.

Swelling and Bruising: It's normal to experience swelling and bruising in the treated area. While this will gradually diminish in the weeks following surgery, patients may be advised to wear a compression garment to minimize swelling and support the healing tissues.

Scarring: An incision made during a reverse tummy tuck will result in a scar. However, its placement along the inframammary fold often makes it discreet. Over time, with proper care, the scar may fade considerably, although it won't disappear entirely.