“One of my Dreams Come True! – I have always been really self conscious of my labia minora, it prevented me from having intercourse and caused severe mental health issues from embarrassment, and also seemed to cause several physical health issues as well. I seemed to have a UTI literally once a month. I had been researching labiaplasty for years, since I was 14, and I am 23 now. And for the last 2 years I had my eye on Dr. Natan Yakers work. I finally one day decided it was time to do something for me. I was able to get a consult within a few days of calling, and the day of my consult was able to book a date for surgery. Dr. Yaker and the staff made me feel extremely comfortable and they were all so nice and reassuring. Surgery was smooth, the recovery was a little rough but Dr. Yaker was always helpful and did whatever he could to make it easier. For a while, I truly was a little worried because one side was more swollen than the other, but Dr. Yaker assured me that when it was all healed it would be seamless and look natural. Sure enough, after about 8 weeks, everything looked perfect. I’ve never felt more confident & I haven’t had a UTI since the surgery, which was on 7/28 & it is now 11/08. I highly recommend Dr. Yaker for anyone who was going through what I did. He and his staff are truly life changers and made a huge dream of mine come true. As an incentive for posting a review, this reviewer received an entry into RealSelf’s monthly $500 gift card giveaway”
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