“Dear Dr. Yaker & staff- I just wanted to express my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you that I’ve encountered since my pre-op visit on 9/28. Even though my surgery was “elective,” I still was nervous & had some reservations about it–but all of you have made me feel so comfortable & eased my fears. Sandy was so kind & helpful during my consult & pre-op apt. Denise held my hand & calmed me the morning of surgery. Shana & Jennifer have been so kind & reassuring both the day of surgery & my first return visit. The anesthesiologist (?Susan) was also kind & I didn’t throw up after surgery– Thank you, thank you! Cindy has been so nice & supportive during every visit–I truly am thankful to each of you for making my experience easier. I’m sorry if I forgot a name, but know that everyone I’ve encountered has gone above & beyond & I appreciate it. Dr. Yaker–I have awhile to go before I can fully enjoy your work–but what I see so far, I like! I appreciate your patient and professional way of working with me! Thank you all! Sincerely, D.M.”
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