“”Dr. Yaker I wanted you to know how blessed I feel to find you, as my plastic surgeon. You made me very comfortable at the consult and your office staff are awesome. I am very excited about my upcoming lipo and neck-lift. I know I am in good hands. Thank you for everything you will doing on Friday. I have been looking forward to it.I will pray that GOD will use your GOD given talent to do an awesome job with no difficulties. I just feel so blessed to me under care and your staff. Thank you again for taking your time to take care of my “areas that need your gifted hand :-)””
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Breast Augmentation
Breast Aug with Lift
Breast Lift
Breast Reduction
Fat Grafting
Breast Revision
Gynecomastia/Male Breast Reduction
Tummy Tuck
Reverse Tummy Tuck
Brazilian Tummy Tuck
Mini Tummy Tuck
360 Body Liposuction
360 Body Lift
Buttock Lift
Banana Roll Lift
Brazilian Butt Lift
Thigh Lift
Bra Line Back Lift
Gynecomastia/Male Breast Reduction
Mommy Makeover
Weight Loss Surgery
Face Lift
Neck Lift
Z-plasty Neck Lift
Neck Liposuction
Chin Augmentation
Upper Blepharoplasty
Lower Blepharoplasty
Upper Lip Lift
Lip Augmentation
Lip Commissuroplasty
Tip Rhinoplasty
Facial Fat Transfer
Earloabe Plasty
Brow lift/ Forehead lift
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