“Dear Dr. Yaker, I just wanted to thank you so much for the fantastic surgery. It is wonderful, almost like a complete transformation! Every time I look in the mirror I see you & the amazing gift you have! It has turned my world around & so so so glad. I (you) did it – wished it had been done 10 years earlier. I’m able to breathe better, and I can move faster on the pickleball court – the simplest pleasures, rolling over in bed – in the house going braless its just such a relief to have freedom of movement. It’s a true daily blessing(s). Thank you so much – you will never know my joy, and how much I admire the help you are giving to so many!! It’s wonderful!! My eyes are coming along still have some bumps!! Oh well – & a bit of numbness under the left arm but I’m so thrilled with the overall results I just don’t care how long a recovery takes! Thank you so much again! All the ladies were so helpful to get me down the road. Always in your debt. L.C. P.S. Hi to Tracey!!!”
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